Chili Tomato Sauce Hot

CHF 9.90 inkl. Mwst.

Fiery, intense and passionate. The dominance of the red chili peppers is not only reflected in the taste, but also in the color of the super hot Meera’s chili tomato sauce.

SKU: chili-tomatensauce-scharf Category:


You should actually be careful with red, but the added tomatoes neutralize the spiciness a little. For lovers of Asian cuisine, this melange is a culinary firework and an intense taste experience. Without burning your fingers. Chili tomatoes with spicy!

On request, we can prepare larger quantities for your catering use (filled in buckets).

For large quantities or orders, please contact us.

Additional information

Dimensions 8 × 8 × 5 cm



Tomaten (70%), Sonnenblumenöl, Zucker, Kochsalz jod., Meersalz, Chili (1,8%), Ingwer, Knoblauch, Bio-Gemüsebouillon (enthält: Maltodextrin, Hefeextrakt, Pastinaken, Zwiebeln, Sellerie, Kürbis, Petersilie, Champignons getrocknet), Koriander, Limettensaft, Gewürze.