Chili Tomato Sauce Mild in a Bottle

CHF 12.90 inkl. Mwst.

Mild spiciness. With this composition of fruity tomatoes, extravagant ginger and fiery chilli, you give every dish the exciting temperament of the south.

SKU: chili-sauce-mild-flasche Category: Tags: ,


Meera’s Chili-Tomato Sauce mild enriches all imaginable dishes with gentle spiciness and balanced flavor. Italian tomatoes and fiery Asian chilies give this gourmet sauce its unique spice.

Rely on the highest quality from the best, natural ingredients without artificial ingredients, flavor enhancers, or preservatives.

On request, we prepare larger quantities for your gastro use (filled in buckets).

For large quantities or orders, please contact us.

Additional information

Dimensions 5 × 5 × 20 cm



Tomaten 60%, Sonnenblumenöl, Zucker, Kochsalz jod., Meersalz, Ingwer, Knoblauch, Chili (0.15%), Gemüsebouillon (enthält Maltodextrin, Hefextrakt, SELLERIE, Karotten, Zwiebeln, Petersilie), Koriander Gewürze, Limettensaft, Olivenöl, Balsamico, Gewürzmischung (mit Geschmacksverstärker Mononatriumglutamat), Schalotten, Holundersirup