Avocado Basil Pesto

CHF 11.90 inkl. Mwst.

Did you know? What do Frank Sinatra and pesto have in common? If it weren’t for the son of Italian immigrants, we might not even know about pesto.

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Because Sinatra made his face available at the end of the 90s for the label of an American pesto manufacturer, with which the sauce began its worldwide triumph. We have added pure avocados without any additives to the original Italian recipe based on pure basil. We added the best extra virgin olive oil, the finest shallots and, last but not least, Himalayan salt as ingredients to create a very special taste experience. In order to conjure up a completely new pesto recipe, we deliberately avoided adding traditional nuts and pine nuts. Pesto & Pasta belong together like pitch & sulphur. And well chilled, the pesto has something refreshing and makes a “buona figura” even as a spread. But also as a dip as a culinary footnote for salads and meat dishes, Meera’s avocado-basil sauce takes you to Italian Liguria for an evening. Always serve with plenty of Parmigiano. Buon appetito!

On request, we can prepare larger quantities for your catering use (filled in buckets).

For large quantities or orders, please contact us.

Additional information

Dimensions 8 × 8 × 5 cm



Avocado (38%), Olivenöl extra Vergine, Sonnenblumenöl, Basilikum (7,5%) Reisessig (enthält: Reis, Säuerungsmittel: Essigsäure), Gemüsebouillon (enthält: Maltodextrin, Hefeextrakt, Karotten, Zwiebeln, Pastinaken, Kürbis, Sellerie, Petersilie, Champions getrocknet), Meersalz, Kochsalz jod, Himalayasalz, Zucker, Tomatenpulver, Erbsenmehl, Knoblauch, Pfeffer, Butterpilzpulver, Lorbeerblätter, Rosmarin, Majoran, Stärke, Maiskeimöl, Thymian, Oregano, Rote Bete-Pulver, Schalotten, Limettensaft, Chili,