Habanero Chili Sauce Hot

CHF 15.90 inkl. Mwst.

Meera’s Habanero Chilli Sauce is racier than racy! A spirited potpourri of ingredients that can bring tears to the eyes of the inexperienced gourmet.

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For everyone else, a dance on the volcano. You should shake the bottle well before opening it so that the passion can fully unfold step by step. Add the “spicer” to pizza, pasta, raclette & Co. and enjoy the heated atmosphere at the table. By the way, we plant the habanero chilies ourselves seasonally. Lots of spice!

On request, we can prepare larger quantities for your catering use (filled in buckets).

For large quantities or orders, please contact us.

Additional information

Dimensions 5 × 5 × 20 cm



Sojasauce (enthält: Sojabohnen, Pilze, Salz, Wasser, Weizenmehl, Zucker, Konservierungsmittel: Natriumbenzoat, Geschmacksverstärker), Balsamico (enthält: Weinessig, Traubenmost, Farbstoff, Antioxidationsmittel E 224, Sulfite), Sonnenblumenöl, Habaneros, Chili, Tomaten, Ingwer, Knoblauch, Zwiebeln, Limettensaft.
Kann Spuren von Gluten, Ei, Milch, Sesam und Sellerie enthalten.