Habanero Chili Sauce Mild

CHF 15.90 inkl. Mwst.

The mild Habanero Chili Sauce brings pleasant spiciness and delicate sophistication to any kitchen creation. A spirited potpourri of ingredients, with the unmistakable fruity-floral taste of the habanero chili.

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This mild version of the Habanero Chili Sauce goes well with all kinds of dishes, from meat and fish to exciting vegetable variations. It is suitable for all those who love the incomparable taste of habanero chili but do not like it too hot. Look forward to the highest quality from the best, natural ingredients without artificial ingredients, flavour enhancers or preservatives.

By the way, we grow the habanero chillies ourselves seasonally. Lots of spice!

On request, we can prepare larger quantities for your gastronomic use (filled in buckets).

Please contact us for large quantities or orders!

Additional information

Dimensions 5 × 5 × 20 cm



Sojasauce (enthält: Sojabohnen, Pilze, Salz, Wasser, Weizenmehl, Zucker, Konservierungsmittel: Natriumbenzoat, Geschmacksverstärker), Balsamico (enthält: Weinessig, Traubenmost, Farbstoff, Antioxidationsmittel E 224, Sulfite), Sonnenblumenöl, Habaneros, Chili, Tomaten, Ingwer, Knoblauch, Zwiebeln, Limettensaft.
Kann Spuren von Gluten, Ei, Milch, Sesam und Sellerie enthalten.